
Showing posts with the label surah

ahad nama surah

If this Dua is recited 11 times on any part of the body that is paining the pain will surely go away. Ahad naama is a dua in which praises of Allah Taaala are mentioned and it is also a. Ahad Nama Arabic Text English Text With Translation In Urdu And English Arabic Text Urdu Islamic Messages Whoever recites this Ahad Naamah one in his lifetime he will be taken away with Imaan true faith in his heart And. . This Dua is so powerful and best for cure of every illness. Dua e jamila Mudaser Awan. This Dua is so powerful and best for cure of every illness. 001 to 039. This Dua is so powerful and best for cure of every illness. The recitors of this Dua poverty is removed and debt will be cleared miraculously. For better and native android experience with Tilawat Audio Recitation use our Android app. Ahad Nama has its own great literal meaning. This Dua is so powerful and best for cure of every illness. ...